Introduction to IBM i for New Users (OE98G) – Perfil

Esquema Detallado del Curso


Unit 1 - Introduction and overview to IBM i

Unit 2 - Using the 5250 emulation interface

     Exercise 1- Using the 5250 emulation interface

Unit 3 – Overview of IBM I Access Client Solutions

     Exercise 2 – Overview of IBM i Access Client Solutions

Unit 4 - Using IBM Navigator for i

     Exercise 3 - Using IBM Navigator for i

Unit 5 - Using the messages function on IBM i

     Exercise 4 - Using the messages function with a display session

     Exercise 5 - Using the messages function with IBM Navigator for i

Unit 6 - Using CL commands on IBM i

     Exercise 6 - Using CL commands with a display session

     Exercise 7 - Using CL commands with IBM Navigator for i

Unit 7 - Managing objects on IBM i

     Exercise 8 - Object management on IBM i

Unit 8 - Managing your work on IBM i

     Exercise 9 - Tracking jobs and printouts on IBM i

Unit 9 - IBM i security overview

Unit 10 - Additional education