Brocade SAN Advanced (BRA)


Quién debería asistir

  • Experienced Brocade Switch administrators
  • System Integrators, Field / System Engineers and Support staff
  • SAN designer
  • Employees preparing for the Brocade Certified Fabric Professional (BCFP) certification


Objetivos del curso

This accelerated theory-only course builds upon the Brocade SAN Fundamentals (BRF) and teaches students advanced FC SAN topics such as virtualization, Data Center Interconnect via native FC and native FCIP as well as interesting Traffic Engineering techniques for Brocade "Adaptive Networking" (QoS, Top Talker, TI-Zoning).

Other important topics deal with FC-FC Routing for more efficient and robust resource management within a SAN, Security features and the popular Access Gateway mode. Finally this course covers troubleshooting, performance and monitoring techniques like Brocades D_Port, Bottleneck Monitoring and PortLog Dumps. This hands-on class features a variety practical lab excercises and is a great resource for anyone who needs a solid overview about advanced Brocade topics. For students looking for a consolidated and theory-only class we recommend booking Brocade 16 Gbps Advanced Accelerated (FL-BRAX)

Contenido del curso

  • FC Adaptive Networking Overview (Top Talker, QoS, Ingress Rate Limiting, TI-Zones)
  • FCIP tunneling techniques
  • FC-FC Routing (EX-Ports, LSANs)
  • Security concepts of Brocade SAN Switches
  • Access Gateway Mode
  • FC Long Distance
  • Basic Troubleshooting SANs
  • Virtual Fabrics Overview
  • Extensive hands-on labs

Precios & Delivery methods

Classroom training

4 días

  • España: 2.650,– €



Zona Horaria: Hora central europea   ±1 hora

Entrenamiento en línea Curso FLEX Zona Horaria: Hora central europea de verano
Entrenamiento en línea Curso FLEX Zona Horaria: Hora central europea de verano
Entrenamiento en línea Curso FLEX Zona Horaria: Hora central europea de verano
Entrenamiento en línea Curso FLEX Zona Horaria: Hora central europea
Este es un curso FLEX, que es entregado tanto virtualmente como en el salón de clase.



Berlín Lenguaje del curso: Alemán
Frankfurt Lenguaje del curso: Alemán
Hamburgo Lenguaje del curso: Alemán
Hamburgo Lenguaje del curso: Alemán
Este es un curso FLEX, que es entregado tanto virtualmente como en el salón de clase.